Living in a digital abyss

Being a creative-minded millennial in today’s workforce can feel like a rather bleak existence. We live in an age where everything is free and accessible, everyone is connected and information flows rampant and uncensored through out (most of) the internet. We inhabit a very technologically advanced world, a world that didn’t exist ten years ago. A world that is rapidly changing. Most of my generation witnessed the birth of the information age while we were still in high school or middle school. We were all lead to believe that we had very promising and rewarding futures through college and career. Well, the corrupt institution that college is turned out to be a financial pit of never ending despair for most people who weren’t lucky enough to get grants or scholarships, while careers in the creative fields are pretty much nonexistent unless you’re willing to teach high school English or Art in a broken education system.

Making a name for yourself and your creative trade in this technological age is quite the daunting task. It can feel a bit overwhelming sometimes. This digitally advanced world we exist in can feel very cold and impersonal, regardless of how connected we think we are through social media. In an endless sea of faceless bands, writers, and artists it sometimes feels impossible to make yourself noticed. Most of us want to make waves, but more often than not, it feels like our efforts don’t amount to anything other than ripples. But you have to start somewhere, right?

I don’t have any advice to give that hasn’t already been published in some other forgotten corner of the internet. All I know is that I want to create. I want to be my own, self sustaining, creative entity. I decided along time ago that I didn’t want to be part of a bigger institution. I wanted nothing to do with managers or corporate workplace politics. But somewhere along the way I lost track of that vision and became another apathetic wage slave. I became insecure about my writing and art. All of these anxieties and insecurities overpowered any sort of creative goals I once had. And so I got trapped in a mundane, working class lifestyle. So this is me saying fuck it. I don’t care anymore. I’m sick and tired of waking up and drudging through an eight hour shift, repeating the same mindless, monotonous motions I’ve been repeating for years. So I guess that is more or less the purpose of this blog. Not necessarily to chase some fabled, bullshit million dollar book deal, but to make a conscious effort at relaying my thoughts and interests in an unabashedly honest and open manner. And hopefully some of you might want to listen.


  1. Find that wave and ride it to the sun. Nothing matters in this world except those you love. Stay true to yourself and be happy as often as you can. I love you like a brother and more.


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